Band/Album: AC/DC - Let There Be Rock, Led Zeppelin - Presence
Movie: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Tombstone, 3:10 to Yuma, and Casino Royale
Meal/Food: Mexican, English Breakfast, Italian, and Sushi
Book: The Art of War - Sun Tzu, The Dynamic Laws of ProsperityProsperity - Catherine Ponder, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman, Dante's Inferno - Dante Alighieri, The Prince - Machiavelli, and the Bible.
Politician: Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and David Palmer (fictional - 24 tv series actor)
Historical Figure: Jesus Christ, King David, King Arthur, Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, and The Duke.
Holiday: Christmas, Independence Day - July 4th, and Thanksgiving
Song from United Abominations: Amerikhastan, Burnt Ice, Play for Blood, Never Walk Alone, Sleepwalker, Washington is Next!, and Gears of War
Favorite Mega solo: Kick The Chair, Holy Wars, and Burnt Ice
Favorite Venue: Nationally - Cox Arena, San Diego, California; Internationally - Buenos Aires
TV shows: 24, CNN Headline News/Glen Beck, FOX News/O'Reilly Factor, ESPN/Sports Center
Hobbies: Teaching Megadeth songs to new Guitarists, surfing, golf, martial art, yoga
Favorite cliche: "it is what it is", "a pig is a pig and that's that!", "I know, huh?"
Most memorable concert: That One Night in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Most important life lesson: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you would yourself, family is the most important thing in this life, without your fans you are nothing, and its easier to understand than to be understood
What do you like to do to relax while touring: Study, focus on my health, lurk on the forums
Occupation if not a musician: I really wanted to be a professional baseball player or a Doctor before I got famous, and now if I wasn't a musician I would want to teach, and maybe to be a counselor or an advisor.